Sunday, June 8, 2008

Caleb Graduates Kindergarten

Caleb and his pals the day before Kindergarten Graduation. Anybody see where Caleb felt he needed to trim his bangs? Does he look like a First Grader or what?!?
Caleb and his AWESOME teacher Mrs. Platt.
Joshua gets to enjoy some cake after Caleb's Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony.


dsch522 said...

Wow what an exciting time. You were an inspiration to our daughter on Treasure Hunters. She was applying to the Academy when the show was on, and rooted for you all the way...evil geniouses. She is currently a C3C and will be soaring this week.

Enjoy them now they grow up to fast.

Kat said...

Wow! He is growing up so FAST! Soon he will be graduating from hair cutting school--oh--he already did :) You have such an awesome family, I for one am IMPRESSED!

Nicole Svendsen said...

congratulations big boy!!! So good to see you this weekend.

Shelly said...

Yay Caleb!!! You're the coolest 1st-grader-to-be EVER!!

Woods Family said...
