Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 weeks has just flown by...

The boys and Brian play on the playset before dinner... then they relax in the hot tub before bed.
Levi looking so cute at 2 weeks old. He had his 2 week check up yesterday and has gained 10 oz since birth. The doc said they like to see them back at their birthweight at this checkup, so I guess he's a good eater like I suspected. Go Levi!
Levi sleeping like a little angel. I love how his hands are in this picture.
Joey headed up the stairs so he can go down the tube slide, right on Caleb's tail.

My best friend from college, Robyn, visited us for a few days. She and her boys Brian and Duncan are so sweet. I'm afraid my boys may have ruined her 3 year old though. It was so great to visit with her and catch up. Her hubby is getting ready to deploy for 7 months for the third time in three years. I don't know how she does it.

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