Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Boys

Can you believe the size of these guys? They are all growing so fast.

Caleb is playing on his first baseball team this summer and loving it so far. He is 5 but is playing with 6 year olds. He's the same size or bigger, but not quite as coordinated. Matt and I have to fight the urge to "practice" with him every day so he's as good or better. We're doing our best to just let him have fun. He also has recently learned to ride his bike without training wheels. It's all he can talk about and all he wants to do. Fun fun. He graduates from Pre-K this Friday!

Joshua turns 3 on June 21st. He is currently potty-training and doing a pretty good job. I'm very excited about it. He is such a talker and we marvel at his imagination daily. I think he is cut out for the stage. He also thinks he is on a baseball team and makes sure we bring his bat, glove, and ball when we go to Caleb's practice. He doesn't need to know he's not actually on the team does he? He LOVES Joey as does Caleb, but he shows it a little more strongly and closely.

Joey is 6 months old now and such a JOY! He is the happiest child I have ever known. We call him Mr. Smiley because that's how he spends most of his day. He is rolling over both ways, and working on sitting up. He drools when he watches us eat. He thinks he's ready to eat big people food. Would you expect anything less from a Rillos boy? If he were a difficult baby and not so happy I think Matt and I might think 3 boys were enough for us. But, since he's so good who knows. Maybe we'll have a fourth! Only God knows : )

1 comment:

boo and stacy said...

YEA welcome to blog world! excited to watch the boys grow up:)
