Tuesday, May 22, 2007

California Trip

Matt had a business trip to California in April, so the boys and I decided to tag along. It was a great time. We got to visit the Fogals and worship with them at their church. We took the boys to Legoland and the beach which was also a lot of fun. And, we also got to reconnect with our friends in L.A. It is amazing that we've been gone for 2 years. It seems like just yesterday we were getting a tour of James and Carrie's apartment, by none other than James himself. Oh how time flies. Now, James and Carrie have just become parents of a little girl named Charlie Mae. Gina and Patrick are awaiting the arrival of Jack Patrick. Erik and Nicole are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first baby Siena Svendsen. Stacy and Boo have two daughters who are absolutely adorable. And, our friends Shelly and Matt now have a baby boy, Dane, and live in Minnesota. What fun times those were when we lived there. We cherish the memories and look forward to many more get togethers as our numbers grow : )

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