Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8 random things about myself

Stacy tagged me to write 8 random things about myself. Let's see...

1. I am thinking about dying my hair brown this fall.

2. I am in a constant struggle over whether I can see myself with a minivan or not. So far, I can't.

3. Caleb can beat me at Nintendo gamecube games EVERY time.

4. My favorite t.v are the first 20 minutes of chat between Regis and Kelly.

5. We are in the process of designing a house to build.

6. I went on a MOPS retreat and had a night away for the first time in a while.

7. I just read "My Heart, Christ's Home" and highly recommend it.

8. 8 is my favorite number : )


boo and stacy said...

Yes, I can see you with brown hair!! Though Gina may have a fit! And sure...I say go for the minivan...

The Arnold's are suburban fans....but I bet a minivan is sooo practical.

Thanks for playin!


Unknown said...

Keep it blonde! :)

Nicole Svendsen said...

Your eyes sure would pop with brown though:)

Team Rillos said...

I can always go back to blonde right?

Woods Family said...

Stacy is right! DO NOT ruin the corn silk - but if you do - I will support you anyway - I do see Nicole's point of the eyes popping!